
刘宇新歌《Captain》歌词是什么 《Captain》歌词歌曲介绍

音乐更新时间:2024-04-27 15:59:09




Baby I think that you famous

Maybe it\'s just that killer sense

And I can tell you\'re that you\'re fearless

Never met a one like that

I know I follow it

You\'re silly sensational and you\'re losing in it all

You think you\'re invincible

But I\'m here girl to tell you that you\'re not

I run the ship

I run the ship

You answer to me

Yesir yesir

And nothing else matters you answer with yes or a please

With a yes or a please

All hands on deck

All hands on deck

I\'m the king of this sea

Call me king call me king

Yo it don\'t take much to know I\'m the greatest the greatest

Hey it\'s ruthless

Here we go

Here we go

I been cruising round the whole wide world

And I\'ve seen everything there is yeah

And you\'re stunning

Got a hold on me


Like a diamond ring

Just remember one thing when you talk to me

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain

Yo I\'m a be the captain

I\'m a make you scrub that deck

Two hands or you can\'t take it

Mmm keep your mind on it

Unless I tell you just focus

I run the ship

I run the ship

You answer to me

Yesir yesir

And nothing else matters you answer with yes or a please

I\'m the master of the sea

Here we go

Here we go

I been cruising round the whole wide world

And I\'ve seen everything there is yeah

And you\'re stunning

Got a hold on me


Like a diamond ring

Just remember one thing when you talk to me

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain

Maybe you\'re a little too arrogant

Maybe you ain\'t been the places I\'ve been

Maybe you just think you\'re Heaven sent

Heaven sent

But you ain\'t

I know you think you\'re exceptional

Better than the rest of these people

Just a little taste and it\'s lethal

You only care about yourself

You\'re so selfish

You know that you got it

Biddie biddie bum

Biddie biddie bum

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain

You can call me Captain sir

This is my my universe

Captain captain

Call me captain captain sir



蹦出一个新想法,明天就落地,是属于ENTJ的现在完成时? 来自刘宇脑袋里的「Captain」冒险进度条。 在自己的音乐宇宙里高速变幻穿行, 获得全新hiphop、dance-pop拼图碎片。 设定好节奏和鼓点,"Call me captain!" 队长游戏,即将大获全胜。


标签: 刘宇 captain 歌词 什么 歌曲 介绍

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